A comprehensive Astrology, Gene Keys & Human Design course 


Are you ready to *actually* integrate and apply astrology, human design and gene keys so that you can break free from system and structures holding you back from your higher purpose? You’re in the right place.

I can’t tell you how often I talk to women who love astrology and human design but don't know wtf to do with it in their real life or how to support others through these tools. They continue to look outside of themselves for the answers they know intuitively.

They tell me, “I know my big three and have been curious about human design but just can't figure out how to actually integrate it or actually make decisions in my life, like leaving my partner or starting my business, knowing this” Can you relate?

If so, Foundations is what you’ve been waiting for.

You don’t need to become an astrologer or human design coach to be supported by and use these ancient tools in your work.


You *can* become an astrologer or human design coach through this course, but you *don't have to*


Maybe you are a corporate manager, healthcare provider, mother, caregiver, artist, writer, environmentalist, financial advisor, contractor, government employee, entrepreneur using these tools. You aren’t weird or wrong in wanting to do things a new way.

50+ Live & Self-Paced Lesson 

to Forge your Foundation 

In this 4 month program, I will help you go from "I know I am a Leo Moon and Manifesting Generator" to "holy sh*t now that I understand my authority and unique strengths I've not only made decisions that make me feel expansive and in alignment with my values, but I also just supported my first client in their first steps toward knowing themselves more deeply."



Hi I'm Jessie,

I can do this because I’ve been where you are...and I know what it really takes to integrate these systems into your daily life and work.

Not so long ago I was working a corporate job that sucked the life out of me, overcommitting and forcing myself to say yes to things I think I should - not because it felt right in my body, and valuing my productivity over my peace and happiness. Through understanding and integrating my astrology birth chart, human design body graph and gene key profile, I feel like I have permission to be me - even when it doesn't fit into anything society tells me. 

I am a 6/2 Man Gen, Emo Authority. Leo Sun, Aquarius Moon, Sagittarius Rising with an 8th house stellium. My Mars is in Virgo in the 9th house. In other words, I am here to teach you to shine the most authentic, unique version of yourself. I express myself and my teachings in a concise and relatable way. I’m not afraid of the darker parts of humanity and can hold space and offer realistic advice for people processing really big emotions. 

I'm going to give you the info you need to take astrology, human design and gene keys into your own life. I want YOU to take your power back. You already have all of the answers you need, you just need to trust yourself.

If you're anything like me, you like putting the pieces together to understand yourself and others.


It's not that you've never heard of astrology, rather you don't feel like you have enough knowledge to use it in your real life or to support others yet

Or you have a new found realization that your human design type or authority *is so you* but, wait wtf does that actually mean in practice and how can you support others in working with theirs.

Maybe you've heard of gene keys, but not at a level where you've made the connection between human design, astrology and i-ching.

You've heard transits can be helpful, and maybe even know how to pull them or find a good astrology account on instagram, but can never figure out what they actually means for you and the current collective cycles. 


Perhaps you are in a pivotal time in your career and you know you there is a way you can leverage these spiritual tools to support you and the people you serve

​Or you experience the same themes over and over in relationships, and want clarity on how to navigate these karmic cycles...

​Maybe you have children and want to understand how to best support them while also trying to take care of yourself.

​Perhaps you are simply on an inner healing journey and simply want all the tools in your toolkit...

Maybe you are a manager, educator, healthcare provider, or financial advisor and are acutely aware that the systems and structures around you are crumbling and you know that you are part of the soul group here to make a change.


To give you a stable jumping off point to diving deeper into yourself, understanding this wild planet we chose to live in, and integrating these tools into your work and the way you are of service to others. plus - a community you feel safe and secure in sharing your deepest ah-ha moments


So far in life you have...


  • Had to learn the hard way 

  • Felt unclear of your purpose or that there is something missing in your mission

  • Been blindsided by a break-up or career change 

  • Worked with clients within the system you were taught in, knowing there is a better way to heal and support others

  • Supported children using philosophies that feel outdated

  • Been told by doctor's that you are "fine" - or maybe you are the doctor telling others they are fine and just need a prescription 

  • Felt like something is "off" but not sure why


What if I told you...

  • There are tools (Astrology, Human Design and Gene keys) that everyone is supposed to have access to, but have been hidden from the masses
  • There is no one size fits all approach to any type of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health challenge *and* there are tools that can support you or your clients figuring out what works best fo rthem
  • There is a way to deeply understand all of your insecurities and fears and navigate them with support, clarity and ease
  • There is an easy and grounded way to understand your purpose and make decisions from alignment, leading toward inner fulfillment everyday. 
  • Your health - mind, body and soul - are unique to you and require unique support to live your healthiest life.
  • You can save years of time and skip over all of the healing guesswork. 
  • You always have access to being in a state of overflow, health, prosperity, and joy. 

What You Can Expect


Structured Lectures & Exercises

Covering everything you need to know about Astrology, Human Design and Gene keys with 4 months of dripped content and monthly live calls.

Lifetime Access

To all content, our exclusive community on the same journey of self discovery where we give feedback, answer questions, and host live Q&As

Expert Guidance

From a professional intuitive  astrologer and human design coach, leveraging these same tools in her every day life as a mom and entrepreneur


To make aligned, authentic decisions confidently in your new reality

Topics Covered

Components of a Birth Chart

Astrological Signs

Astrology Houses & Systems

Planets, Angels, Nodes

Major Asteroids

Aspects in the Birth Chart

Synastry, Composite, Locational Charts

Gene Keys Activation Sequence

Gene Keys Venus Sequence

Gene Keys Pearl Sequence

Components of Human Design Body Graph

Type, Strategy, Authority

Profile & 9 Centers

Gates, Channels, Circuits

Incarnation Cross & Definition 

Astrology & HD Transits

Ephemeris & Forecasting

How to support your children

How to leverage in your business

Interpretations of major placements

I invite you to take a moment to imagine what’s possible for you...

  • What would it be like to wake up each morning feeling aligned, authentic and in tune with your needs and desires?
  • To achieve a life that is filled with ease and joy?
  • To feel empowered by your uniqueness and not have to look outside of yourself for answers
  • To no longer struggle to make decisions in your life and instead trust your unique intuition (and authority) in knowing exactly what is right for you

This is SO possible for youđź”®

"Jessie is so relatable and easy to learn from. You can tell she has a degree in teaching! She is knowledgeable, authentic and genuine. Working with her is better than therapy. She really showed me that I’m on my unique path and I have a guide to follow."

"Jessie explains things in a way that is concise and relatable. I have clarity for this part of my life with career and integrating who I’ve been and what I’ve done into my current trajectory. I started a podcast and established my business because of what I learned from working with Jessie"



  • 10 modules with over 50 lessons

  • 4 Live Calls (monthly)
  • Coursework, journal, templates

  • Interpretations of each placement, aspects and transit

  • Option to enroll in Astrology Collective membership
  • Option to instantly download Astrology Transits & Cycles course



6 Months

  • 10 modules with over 50 lessons
  • 4 Live Calls (monthly)
  • Coursework, journal, templates

  • Interpretations of each placement, aspects and transit

  • Option to enroll in Astrology Collective membership
  • Option to instantly download Astrology Transits & Cycles course