A comprehensive Astrology, Gene Keys & Human Design course giving you a stable jumping off point to diving deeper into yourself and understanding this wild planet we chose to live in, and integrating these tools into your work and the way you are of service to others. 

A 15 week  hybrid live & pre-recorded course, with weekly dripped and monthly live sessions. 

plus - a community you feel safe and secure in sharing your deepest ah-ha moments. 



Transits + Cycles Course


Take Astrology and Human Design to the next level, by learning WTF is going on in the world and how to navigate the craziness to co-create with the universe + make the best decisions for a fulfilling and aligned life.

A hybrid live & pre-recorded course, teaching you how to see your personal "future forecast" to plan ahead for the future + live your most authentic life.

Are you ready to deepen your connection to your astrological transits + cycles?